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Why You Should Journal

August 11, 2021

Why You Should Journal

Want to learn more about how Habitbetter works, and (more importantly) how it can work for you? Check out this series of videos, starting with Video #9 - WHY JOURNALING:

It’s time to talk about the habit that we believe is the keystone of success: Journaling. Journaling is a “keystone” habit, meaning it’s a habit that creates a domino effect of other positive behaviors and habits.

Research shows it increases self awareness, and your self efficacy. It also is a great tool for  reducing stress and internal obstacles, and increases your level of confidence.

In the Habitbetter app you have three types of journaling available to you:

  1. A daily practice can be found on the home screen that serves up a super short prompt designed to be done anytime you feel like you need a little inspiration.
  2. There is also a “Freestyle” section of the home page where you will get a “blank page” to attach photos and just write out your thoughts.
  3. Then there are the habit courses, that zero in on specific types of habits you can build. Each lesson in the habit course will also have a journal prompt to foster your practice.

Each one of these journaling options will be saved in your Journal, found on the “My Journal” tab, and you can even add tags to each prompt you complete to help you organize them into categories so you can easily search your journal.

For your first prompt we want you to explore your feelings about journaling… Are you super into it, are you skeptical? Why are you into it or not? What benefits do you think you can get from it? Take a few moments and explore your feelings on journaling in the Habitbetter app.

This series of videos will walk you through how to make the most of the Habitbetter app and show you how to use all of the features to help you build habits that are right for you.

You can also find them as a course inside the Habitbetter app.

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